SheepTec Amaze-Ewe™
(prev. Maize Ewe)
A balanced feed nut formulated to support smaller breeding ewes and hill breeds targeted at a lambing percentage of 150.
- Balanced in energy and protein.
- High levels of digestible fibre sources that help to achieve a stable rumen to reduce the incidence of acidosis that can cause Twin Lamb disease.
- High levels of minerals, including optimal levels of vitamin E and selenium, to support immunity and help boost lamb vigour”
Crude Protein Level
Available in:
Available in Bulk, Totes and 25Kg Bags.
Available as nuts and rolls.
Key Ingredients
- Barley
- Wheatfeed
- Beans
- Rapemeal
- Distillers
- Mineral Pack
- Small breeding ewes weighing 50kg to 70kg
- Hill breeds fed on hay or silage”